Securely share legal documents and files online

Document sharing made easy

Easily collaborate with third-parties using the online portal to securely share and edit legal documents and files. Protect your data, avoid email file limits, and ensure version control.

Simplify collaboration between parties

A central hub for all shared files

Improve version control and centralise all data and documents in one platform rather than across several email chains.

Build documents quicker

Collaborate with third-parties easier with an online portal to create and edit files so you can build legal forms and documents quicker.

An extra layer of security

Files stored within the data room use the same high-level data security measures as the rest of the Osprey system, which means your documents are secure and it’s a safer channel than sending via email.

Document sharing features:

Track document amends

Documents shared within the web portal can be edited in real-time by all parties. Easily see if the document is checked out, who amended it, and what changes were made.

Editing notes

Create notes against your stored files to communicate the changes and edits that have been made.

Digital signatures

Using our integration with DocuSign, electronically sign documents within the web portal, preventing the need to print or post documents.

Share final documents

A document within the web portal can be locked so edits can’t be made, but the files can be viewed and downloaded.  

Compress files into packages

Generate a .zip or .pdf package that contains multiple large files into one convenient download. Avoid exceeding email file limits and easily share and open compressed packages via Osprey.

Running your law firm just got easier

Gain firm-wide visibility to make smarter data-driven decisions, improve data accuracy to help aid compliance, and maintain a digital foundation to future-proof your firm with Osprey’s legal practice management software. With a comprehensive suite of practice, case, and client management features, connect all areas of your legal practice and streamline processes to achieve maximum success.

See the document sharing portal in action

The Osprey Approach All-in-One Solution

The complete Osprey Approach solution combines comprehensive case management, powerful practice management, legal accounting, and streamlined client management so you can run an effective and profitable firm.

Discover more features of our legal practice management software: