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Advice, guidance, and inspiration to help you run a more efficient, profitable law firm. Discover how to utilise practice and case management software to create the foundations for running a successful business. Reduce errors, increase efficiencies, stay compliant, enhance client service, and do more with less with the right software solutions and business habits in place. Through articles, guides, webinars, and interviews, the Osprey Blog looks at the best ways to maximise return on your legal software investments so you can reach your goals easier and quicker.
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Should your law firm be considering a merger or acquisition? Insights from industry experts
In the final episode of Series 3 of the Build Better Habits webinars, we were joined by David Sparkes, co-author of “Navigating Law Firm Mergers” and founder of Melbourne Ross, and Anne Harnetty, author of “The Future of Legal Practice” and director of Johnson Beaumont.
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Think digital-first: Insights from industry experts
Our expert panel included Sarah Charlton, CEO of a Eaton-Evans & Morris Solicitors; Kirsty Pappin, founder of Aries Legal Practice Management; and Sarah Keegan, co-founder of The CS Partnership. They discussed how to stay competitive, who is responsible for digital initiatives, and what the future firm will look like.
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How to balance compliance requirements and the client experience: Insights from industry experts
Balancing compliance requirements with exceptional client service is a delicate art for modern law firms. In the second episode of our Build Better Habits series, industry experts Kate Burt, David Rawson, and Eloise Butterworth discuss strategies to navigate this balance effectively.
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How modern law firms can leverage legal tech: Insights from industry experts
In the first episode of series three of the Build Better Habits webinars, host Amy Bruce – head of marketing at Osprey – was joined by Peter Ambrose, CEO at The Partnership and Legalito, Cathy Kirby, consultant at Baskerville Drummond, and Jon Batchelor, Strategic Director at Farnworth Rose Solicitors.
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How to be a successful law firm leader: In conversation with Simon Tupman
Simon Tupman, author of The Heart of Practice: Leadership Principles for Legal Professionals, shares his insights and knowledge to help you become build an effective leadership team.
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How lawyers can win more work from better clients: In conversation with Scott Simmons
Scott Simmons, from Legal Balance, shares his insights and knowledge to help you become a rainmaker in your firm.
Read moreRunning a successful modern law firm
To remain competitive modern law firms need to implement successful business habits. We believe there are four fundamental mindsets and associated habits that firms should adopt for long-term success:
Check out our Build Better Habits webinar series where we’re joined by legal experts to share advice and best practices on running a successful law firm.
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