Practice management & legal tech resources

Advice, guidance, and inspiration to help you run a more efficient, profitable law firm. Discover how to utilise practice and case management software to create the foundations for running a successful business. Reduce errors, increase efficiencies, stay compliant, enhance client service, and do more with less with the right software solutions and business habits in place. Through articles, guides, webinars, and interviews, the Osprey Blog looks at the best ways to maximise return on your legal software investments so you can reach your goals easier and quicker.


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Osprey Updates: Making Tax Digital, SMS & Updated Integrations

What’s new – making tax digital, SMS messages, and updated integrations. Spring has sprung and Osprey has been full of exciting new features and updates.

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Our survey says… It’s time for junior lawyers to embrace lawtech

A recent survey by the Law Society’s Junior Lawyers Division (JLD) has found that almost half of junior lawyers are oblivious as to the benefits of lawtech.

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Osprey Partners With School To Help Students Prepare For Workplace

Pracctice Ltd is delighted to announce that it is helping local students prepare for the future by joining Worcester’s Career & Enterprise scheme.

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The Benefits of Mobile Working for Legal Case Management

Does your legal software allow your law firm to work in a mobile manner? Mobile working enables your lawyers to work smarter and better wherever they are.

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Should law firms choose a cloud-based legal software solution?

When you install a phone system its primary function is to connect you to others through a worldwide communications system.

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Did your law firm embrace flexible working during the World Cup?

We here at Osprey Approach believe that flexibility during major tournaments is key to a happy and engaged workforce.

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To remain competitive modern law firms need to implement successful business habits. We believe there are four fundamental mindsets and associated habits that firms should adopt for long-term success:

Check out our Build Better Habits webinar series where we’re joined by legal experts to share advice and best practices on running a successful law firm.

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