Legal software for law firm Partners & Directors

Osprey’s all-in-one software solution provides law firm owners, partners and directors with firm-wide visibility and data-driven insights. Take control of your legal operations to correctly allocate resources, meet business goals, keep employees happy and effectively service clients.

Trusted by law firms across the UK
Read our customer stories >

Roles include: senior team members, management, heads of department, managing partners, partners, and directors.

Why Partners & Directors use Osprey

Increase visibility, reduce costs, improve reputation.

Increased visibility & control

Gain access to data-driven insight that helps to reduce overheads costs, improve performance, and effectively plan.

Implement standardised processes

Increase efficiencies by streamlining and standardising processes so you can be confident in the services your firm provides.

Enhanced reputation of the firm

Utilise client service-enhancing tools to ensure you’re delivering a quality service that wins reviews and helps you stay competitive.

Strengthen your firm’s reputation with excellent client care  

Osprey is an all-in-one solution that empowers your team to perform at their best and deliver excellent client care. When you have firm-wide visibility and data-driven insights you can provide the feedback and suggestions needed to drive your business forward. When individuals are supported and have the tools they need to work effectively, and your clients receive a quality experience your firm’s reputation is strengthened.

Enhanced client service

Implement modern client-focused tools that help enhance the service you offer but also increase efficiencies across the firm so client experience competitive, quality care.

Improved employee satisfaction    

Provide your team with the tools they need to perform their best, so their workloads are easier to manage, pressures are reduced, and satisfaction increases. With the right support and technology in place, teams can collaborate more effectively, be more productive in their roles and achieve targets quicker, a benefit for both the legal professional and firm.

Increased reviews & recommendations  

When clients and staff are happy the five-star reviews and recommendations increase resulting in loyal clients, new business opportunities and better talent pool. Your success is highly dependent on your firm’s reputation and Osprey provides the solution to aid client and employee satisfaction.

Increase visibility and stay in control  

There are a lot of moving parts involved in running a team, department, and law firm, which is why a centralised software solution is key for managing tasks, extracting insight, and effective planning and KPI setting. Osprey provides intuitive reports and dashboards, with real-time data that helps to make informed, and data driven decisions that drive your business forward. Reduce the manual admin of collecting and analysing data and rely on a solution the connects information and processes for a more accurate view of your firm’s performance.

Crucially this also includes control over your finances and compliance requirements. Osprey provides visibility of aged debts, credit control and invoices, whilst making it easier to reduce the cost of staying compliant, achieving accreditations, and decreasing PII instalments.

View our COLP & COFA page for more details on compliance benefits and features >

We make running a law firm easier

Streamlining operations and improving efficiencies are usually a top priority for legal partners and directors because the advantages effect not only the bottom-line, but clients and staff too. Osprey is the platform you need to create solid foundations that aid effective business habits and processes so you can do more with less. The case and practice management software tools increase productivity, help to standardise processes, automates tasks, and ultimately reduce waste across the business. This provides opportunities for growth without the need of additional resource so you can stay in control of your profitability.

Osprey has been the technology foundation for Preuveneers for over two decades

“I’ve used Osprey ever since I’ve worked here. Osprey started out as an accounts software but has developed a lot to where it is now. I use it extensively to manage all areas of the firm and can adapt the software to benefit us including creating letters and configuring the workflows. I tailor it to whatever I need which is great.”

Kelly Cirillo, Managing Partner, Preuveneers

Practice management features designed for partners & directors:

Report writer

There are a variety of reports that are included as standard within Osprey Approach, but the report writer feature provides complete flexibility on the data you can extract and report on.

Business Intelligence    

The Microsoft Power BI integration allows you to build interactive dashboards that provide increased visibility of performance, helping you drill down further and gain additional insights.

Configurable workflows  

Choose from our library of 50+ configurable workflows or build your own to easily set standardised processes across your firm that ensure compliance, focus on the client and provide peace of mind.

Integrated accounts  

Reduce errors, improve accuracy, and save time with a fully integrated legal accounts system that ensures you’re in control of your finances.

Centralised compliance    

Manage and report on your compliance requirements in one central platforms. Utilise the compliance workflows and tools that help the firm follow best practices and enables easy reporting so you can reduce the cost and time of staying compliant.

Legal software for all areas of law

Osprey provides features and functionality suited to all areas of law. With specialised apps, powerful features and automated workflows, our solution provides the tools to stay focused and increase efficiencies.


Family Law

Criminal Law

Wills & Probate




The Osprey Approach all-in-one legal software solution for SME law firms

The Osprey Approach solution combines comprehensive case management, powerful practice management, compliant legal accounting, and streamlined client management that helps make running your law firm easier.

Access better software support and an all-in-one solution

Upgrade your practice and case management system today, to Osprey, and make it easier to run your firm. Book an initial demo to see the software in action, get pricing details, and information on our implementation and data migration services.

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