Practice management & legal tech resources

Advice, guidance, and inspiration to help you run a more efficient, profitable law firm. Discover how to utilise practice and case management software to create the foundations for running a successful business. Reduce errors, increase efficiencies, stay compliant, enhance client service, and do more with less with the right software solutions and business habits in place. Through articles, guides, webinars, and interviews, the Osprey Blog looks at the best ways to maximise return on your legal software investments so you can reach your goals easier and quicker.

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Practice management & legal tech resources

Advice, guidance, and inspiration to help you run a more efficient, profitable law firm. Discover how to utilise practice and case management software to create the foundations for running a successful business. Reduce errors, increase efficiencies, stay compliant, enhance client service, and do more with less with the right software solutions and business habits in place. Through articles, guides, webinars, and interviews, the Osprey Blog looks at the best ways to maximise return on your legal software investments so you can reach your goals easier and quicker.

Master the business of law: Fundamentals and best practices   

James Markham and Darren Mee, authors of The Legal MBA, offer expert insights on mastering the business side of law. Drawing from their extensive experience, they share practical advice for running a successful law firm. 

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The law firm of the future: How to prepare for success   

Chris Bull – consultant at Edge International and former COO for Osborne Clarke, shares his predictions of what a law firm will look like in 2030, along with practical advice for how to prepare for success.

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Lessons learned from switching legal software solutions: Insights from Karen Edwards   

Karen Edwards – head of professional development at the ILFM, and former director at an SME law firm,
she shares her critical lessons learned from switching and migrating practice and case management systems to help you improve success.

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Effective practice management: How to run a modern legal business with Kirsty Pappin   

Kirsty Pappin – owner of Aries Legal Practice Management and Practice Manager of the year winner. Kirsty shares her experience and insights into what it takes to successfully run a modern legal business.

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Why law firm compliance programmes often fail and how to improve them: In conversation with Amy Bell   

Amy Bell – founder of Teal Compliance, non-practising solicitor and chair of the Law Society’s money laundering task force – shares her valuable insights on why many law firms struggle with compliance and how they can create more effective programs. 

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How to be a successful law firm leader: In conversation with Simon Tupman  

Simon Tupman, author of The Heart of Practice: Leadership Principles for Legal Professionals, shares his insights and knowledge to help you become build an effective leadership team.

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To remain competitive modern law firms need to implement successful business habits. We believe there are four fundamental mindsets and associated habits that firms should adopt for long-term success:

Check out our Build Better Habits webinar series where we’re joined by legal experts to share advice and best practices on running a successful law firm.

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