Simplify client data capture throughout your law firm

Centralise client and case data using digital questionnaires

Improve the efficiency and accuracy of capturing your clients’ information using online questionnaires that standardise the data capture process. Build your own custom questionnaires, for use in any practice area, and integrate them into existing workflows or share via the client portal so, you can save time, reduce errors, and stay compliant during any stage of a case.

Digitalise data collection to improve accuracy, efficiency, and convenience

Streamline data capture with automated workflows

Run questionnaires within automated workflows to streamline and standardise the data collection process for enhanced client service and improved compliance.

Reduce errors and improve accuracy

Client data submitted via a questionnaire is automatically saved to Osprey and can then be used to auto-populate documents, forms, and communications throughout a case to reduce rekeying information and data errors.

Offer a convenient modern client service

Improve convenience with a self-service secure client portal. Share the custom questionnaires for clients to input their own data, which is then automatically saved to their matter history in Osprey.

Digital client data capture key features:

Build your own questionnaires

Customise the templated questionnaires or build you own using any standard or custom data field in Osprey.

Run within workflows

Questionnaires can be added as a task in a templated or custom workflow helping to streamline and standardise the data collection process across your firm or department.

Centralised secure data

By capturing client data via online questionnaires, you guarantee that your case and client data is saved securely within the Osprey case management solution, so you’ll always have access to your data from any device, and any location.

Auto-populate data

Data collected from questionnaires is automatically stored in Osprey, which can be auto-populated into documents, forms, and communications to speed up document production and reduce the rekeying of data.

Custom data fields

Add your own custom data fields in Osprey, which can be used in any questionnaire, so you can capture any data your firm requires.

Self-service client portal

All questionnaires can be shared via the secure client portal so clients can complete the questionnaires themselves, from any device, to speed up case progression.

Standardise data collection

Ensure your team is collecting the right data, at the right time to improve compliance and client service. Use questionnaires via workflows to standardise the data capture process for any department, process, or practice area.

Empower your firm by working smarter

Improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability using Osprey’s all-in-one case management system. Exceed your client’s expectations and reduce time spent in admin by streamlining the case management lifecycle with features to aid in client onboarding, time recording, document production, and much more. Also make use of many top-shelf business tools integrated right into Osprey.

See our client data capture features in action

The Osprey Approach All-in-One Solution

The complete Osprey Approach solution combines comprehensive case management, powerful practice management, legal accounting, and streamlined client management so you can run an effective and profitable firm.

Discover more features that streamline your case management processes:

Access better software support and an all-in-one solution

Upgrade your practice and case management system today, to Osprey, and make it easier to run your firm. Book an initial demo to see the software in action, get pricing details, and information on our implementation and data migration services.

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