Practice management & legal tech resources

Advice, guidance, and inspiration to help you run a more efficient, profitable law firm. Discover how to utilise practice and case management software to create the foundations for running a successful business. Reduce errors, increase efficiencies, stay compliant, enhance client service, and do more with less with the right software solutions and business habits in place. Through articles, guides, webinars, and interviews, the Osprey Blog looks at the best ways to maximise return on your legal software investments so you can reach your goals easier and quicker.


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9 ways to improve the effectiveness of your law practice management

Building effective strategies is vital to keep your law firm growing and moving ahead. Learn more about strategies to improve your law practice management.

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Manage property searches more efficiently with Searchflow integration

SearchFlow integration, a faster and more efficient way of managing property searches with updated SearchFlow integration. Learn more in this blog.

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Osprey Approach and Lexis Smart Forms announce unique partnership

Osprey Approach and Lexis Smart Forms announce partnership which gives customers access to over 4,000 monitored and up to date legal forms.

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GDPR update: New regulation takes off with British Airways fine

New GDPR regulation takes off with British Airways fine. The Information Commissioner’s Office has shown it means business by announcing its first fine.

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Does a Case Management System reflect or define the way you work?

Does a Case Management System reflect the way you work or define the way you work? Most Lawyers have now accepted the utility of a case management system.

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GDPR compliance advice for law firms of all sizes

Discover the five key benefits for digitally connecting data and systems across the market.

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To remain competitive modern law firms need to implement successful business habits. We believe there are four fundamental mindsets and associated habits that firms should adopt for long-term success:

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