Resources for empowering employees and creating an effective team

Discover videos, guides, and articles to help your law firm empower employees to improve retention and help attract new talent. Hear from legal experts who share their secrets, best practices, and top tips to help make running a law firm easier.

Build better business habits across your law firm

Whilst salary remains a key factor when hiring new staff, it’s a firm’s culture that can ultimately make or break the practice.

This page shares content and advice on how to build an effective workplace culture that empowers employees. You’ll discover:

-What an empower employee mindset is

-How a change in mindset can help to overcome the current hiring challenge

-Advice on creating the right culture and environment for an effective team

-The habits to adopt to ensure you’re empowering employees

Webinars: Expert advice from our panel of legal specialists

Join us and our expert guests as they share best practices and advice for building a culture of innovation. Watch episode four, five, and seven from our Build Better Habits series to discover how to successfully run a modern digital firm.


Empower employees: How modern law firms can attract and retain talent

Whilst salary remains a key factor when hiring new staff, it’s a firm’s culture that can ultimately make or break the practice. Join us as we discuss how empowering employees helps to win and retain talent.


A culture of innovation: How modern law firms can remain competitive by fostering a culture of creativity

In our fifth episode we’ll be exploring how creativity impacts a continuous improvement mindset and innovation. Join us and our expert guests as we discuss what creativity really means and what that looks like in a law firm, how creativity can benefit legal professionals, and the habits firms should adopt to foster a culture of innovation.


Empower employees: How modern law firms can build an agile, digital-first culture

In episode three of series two, we’ll be exploring how firms can build an agile, digital-first culture in order to empower employees and remain competitive long-term. Join us and our expert guests as we share advice for building an effective and agile workplace culture.

Empower your team with legal tech

With the right practice and case management solution in place you’re better able to:

Stay compliant

Enhance client service

Improve profitability

Reduce errors

Motivate employees

Do more with less

Guides to help law firms build effective teams and empower employees

Download our free guides to discover how to review your current habits, build an effective workplace culture, and how legal tech to empower teams.

Empower employees

To help modern law firm improve long-term success, we spoke to a panel of legal experts – from The ILFM, Inside Out Image, and Searching for Serenity – to discuss how SME law firms can empower employees to improve long-term success.

Download Guide >

How to improve the effectiveness of your law firm

Do you have the right digital foundations in your firm to run a successful business? We’ve detailed the five pillars of how to create the right digital, cultural, and operational environment to help improve the effectiveness of your firm.

Download Guide >

A guide to the fundamental habits firms needs to adopt

This guide looks at the fundamental business habits and mindsets all modern law firm need to adopt in order to stay competitive long-term.

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The fundamental habits of running a modern law firm

To remain competitive modern law firms need to implement successful business habits and streamline their legal operations. We believe there are four fundamental mindsets and associated habits that firms should adopt for long-term success.

Think digital-first

Be client-focused

Continuously improve

Empower employees

The Osprey Approach all-in-one legal software solution for SME law firms

The Osprey Approach solution combines comprehensive case management, powerful practice management, compliant legal accounting, and streamlined client management that helps make running your law firm easier.

Access better software support and an all-in-one solution

Upgrade your practice and case management system today, to Osprey, and make it easier to run your firm. Book an initial demo to see the software in action, get pricing details, and information on our implementation and data migration services.

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